Saturday, March 19, 2011

Blue Grosbeak

Blue Grosbeak, Spc. Name: Passerina Caerulea

Blue Grosbeak (F)
Medium size songbird, the male species have back, chest and shoulders intense blue, very bright. Their wings have brown edges and brown bars with some white and black borders. Conical beak black with lower part silvery color. Black mask covers around eyes and face.

Females grosbeak are similar in size and shape however the plumage colorations are quite different; in their case the body is mostly cinnamon brown with wings bars pale brown and dark brown. Their beak same as the males but they have no mask.
Blue Grosbeak (M)

Grosbeaks nest in shrubs, and eat seeds as well as insects. They are migratory birds. Living mostly in the Southern States of the USA.
They physically resemble the Northern Cardinals with exception of color.

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