Thursday, March 17, 2011

Northern Mockingbird

Northern Mockingbird, sp. name: “Mimus Polyglottos”

Northern Mockingbirds are medium-sized songbirds, slender and with long tail. They have small heads with long thin bills with a hint of downward curve and long legs.
Their wings are short, rounded and broad.

Overall gray brown, paler on the breast and belly with two white wing-bars on each wing.
The white on the wings and tail become flashy in flight.
Their habitat: Towns, suburbs,backyards, parks, forest edges and open land. They love to sit conspicuously on high vegetation, fences, poles and other high points to observe from there. They are very aggressive when guarding their territory. Also are excellent imitators of other bird’s songs.

By my own observations on these birds y have noticed that once they pick a territory to set their nests they also become very possessive and zealous of what’s going on at the surroundings. They become the guardians of all the other nests and their inhabitants against birds not from the area. 

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